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Posted by: MYOB Team July 30, 2019
Say: Are you looking for staff maybe MYOB "I CAN" Program can help you! Find out how.
The "I CAN" with MYOB Program assists people from disadvantaged backgrounds to seek accreditation and employment in bookkeeping and accounting, but we need your help to do it.
Diversity of thought has become an important success factor for any business, but it’s difficult to achieve without diversity of talent.
MYOB seeks to help improve diversity of talent in the accounting and bookkeeping sectors by sponsoring people who have faced significant challenges to employment or education to find their footing in industry with a Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting.
In partnership with InfoXchange, Monarch Institute and AAT, the I CAN with MYOB Program is about to complete its second year. The eight students from this round will be celebrated for their hard work with a graduation ceremony scheduled to be held at Partner Connect 2019.
So far, I CAN with MYOB has been a resounding success for participants, who’ve all reported an improvement in their confidence after enrolling. They also all agree the program has had a positive impact on their life.
And as the initiative supports people from an incredibly diverse range of backgrounds, the benefits for participants and the businesses they go on to work for run in both directions.
One of the participants in the program, Alem Kiffle, came to Australia from the African nation of Eritrea in 2014 seeking political asylum. Having enrolled in the program, Kiffle said that, while she finds the course to be quite challenging, she was nevertheless well supported throughout.
“I’m very happy to be here – from the first day I came to do the interview I was happy because they welcomed me and encouraged me,” said Kiffle.
Another early participant in the program, Sally Harris, has previously struggled to find work due to mobility issues as a result of her health.
“I tried applying locally for jobs, but it became a real challenge,” said Harris.
“I applied for the I CAN with MYOB program, and it gave me some hope – if I could get a qualification, it might improve my job chances.”
So far, the program is working, with the majority of those who complete I CAN going on to find work either directly in the accounting or bookkeeping field, or beyond. Having completed the program, MYOB works to support participants in applying for employment opportunities with our Partners, or in other accounting and administration roles.
“I would like to thank all involved in giving me this incredible opportunity,” said an anonymous participant from I CAN’s first intake. “I really feel that it was life changing.”
If you recognise the importance of diversity? MYOB is currently looking for Small Business willing to offer paid work experience or other employment opportunities to our I CAN with MYOB graduates of the Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting. If you’d like to know how you can get involved, please contact the Aspire Now Team or Carlos Rodriguez- Principal of Aspire Now.
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez -Principal at Aspire Now
For more inquires please contact:
T: (07) 3899 8062
M: 0411 153 784